Fun Days

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Funday-announcing team

The teaching aids we had from Scripture Union gave those of us teaching the children of Quest Club, not only an excellent way to present the Bible stories, but how to live the Good Life. Plenty of ideas. Good ones! In fact, excellent ideas involving drama, movement, craft work, cookery, games etc.

One of their summer ideas when the end of the school year approached was one of those “Why not!”

“Why not have a Fun Day bringing the parents, children and the people of the Church altogether in an open space with a barbeque and games. If the area is large enough, why not have a rounders match – maybe children v. grownups. And then, to finish, why not have a “Thank you” service before the children break up from their schools and everyone leaving on their holidays.”

We liked that idea; the Church liked that idea; the parents liked that idea – and of course the children LOVED the idea, Naturally, the Recreation Ground was chosen for the Fun Day, and the Church, the following day, for the Thank You Service..


People volunteered their barbeques, but we usually made-do with two. Barbeque food came from all quarters. There was always enough. One of the parents who was a teacher, provided us with rounder bats, and posts. Lawrence Salmon, in charge of it all, felt it best to use a soft tennis ball as all the children – including the under 5's wanted to join in.

Many matches were played throughout the afternoon, and nearly always, it was the children who won each match! And nearly always, it was a lovely day. One year, we had a cold day, but at least dry. Most years, we baked in the sun.

Those who felt they were at an age to watch rather than play, sat in the shady areas in the Recreation Ground on the chairs we brought from the Jubilee Hall, though many brought their own garden chairs – some with an appropriate umbrella which was very handy, as these umbrellas gave enough shelter from the sun, for at least 3 people.


There was always plenty of soft drinks and cans for everyone, but we felt we couldn't manage tea! Some wondered, occasionally, if some of the adults had hidden away from the children a slightly stronger drink for themselves! But if they did, it was well hidden!

An icecream van was brought from Wellesbourne full of lollies as well as favourite icecream. The only unfortunate thing with that was, once a pack was started, the rest of the pack could not be returned to the shop. The Salmon family had to buy the rest of the contents of these opened packs, but as the Salmon children numbered 5, and their friends an extra 8. with thirsty throats needing lollies and icecreams, the contents of these half-empty packs were soon sucked and licked away.

The Thank You Service the next day was not quite so well attended, but the parents were there. We decided to present to the Quest Club their attendance prizes for the year gone. This was a left-over of Sunday School Attendance prizes, and Miss Baker pressed on Avril when she handed this work over to her, the need to continue with these attendance prizes, to encourage the children to come and hear the 'Good News of This Great Event that would Change People's lives'.

We continued with this prize-giving at the Thank You service for only two years, until we realised that the children in the Choir who did not come to Quest Club were seeing all the children receiving their prizes and being clapped - when they had nothing! Actually, each Christmas the Choir children were given their 'wages' for the whole year of singing in the choir, so they could spend it on a present for themselves to put under the Christmas Tree.

From then onwards, the prizes were given out at the Fun Day with the Rector needing a loud speaker as he announced the name of the child .loud enough for the child to hear amongst all the noise and come and receive it.

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