Church Porch

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New Porch Door

New church doors dedication

Extract of Minutes of Parochial Church Council

3rd March 1964

The Rector, Canon Patterson stated the approval of the Council for the payment of Mr. Dodd's account for the new doors (£79:17:6d). He explained that the work had been carried out without previous submission to any approval by the Council – the decision having been made by himself and the Churchwardens.

He regretted that this had happened and asked the PCC to accept his apologies. It was pointed out by members that this action was really contrary to a previous resolution about work for which payment was to be made from the Fabric Fund, and therefore was deserving of censure. The Rector Canon Patterson promised that the resolution would be observed in the future.

17th June 1964

The Rector reported Mrs. L. Woodman's offer to provide the cost of the doors and a wrought iron lamp to hang above, outside the Church.

New porch doors and lantern

These are being dedicated on Easter Sunday. The cost is being defrayed by Mrs. Woodman in memory of the late Dudley E. Woodman